In the Works

Design Comics / In the Works

The scenes are characters on this site are early 1.0 versions of expressions and scenes for a few characters. Stay tuned for additional characters and scenes which are still in development.

If you like this format and need additional scenes developed, you can certainly develop your own or contact ISD Group and they can develop new scenes or even new characters at very affordable rates. We encourage development of new scenes, either via ISD group or on your own. 

Some scenes in the works on are:
  • "The Suit" - a business guy in a suit (plus one of our collaborators may put Miguel in a suit)
  • Additional characters
  • Silhouettes and other renderings of existing characters
Please stay tuned for more and leave a comment if you would like to colaborate.

Development Gallery

Here are some sketches from earlier development of the original characters and scenes:

Call Center Sketch
Mobile Scene
AnaLi Sketch

Mary Sketch

Joe Rejected Sketch
Joe Approved Sketch

Betty & Ellen

Galina Comparison

Site created by Martin Hardee